Hi, I'm Esquiwal Rosario from the Dominican Republic. I'm a Spiritual Mindset Coach, a husband, and a father of three. Over the last decade, I've invested heavily in personal development and spirituality, and it's been the most rewarding journey of my life.
Growing up poor in a third-world country, I used to believe our circumstances were predetermined by God and couldn't be changed.

At the age of 35, I started to notice that I was feeling empty inside, I had this constant feeling of incompleteness, lack of vision of my future, self-doubt and discouragement which led me to question the meaning of my life and wonder if there was more to it than what I could see and feel with my physical senses.

Back then, I was already married to my amazing wife, and we had two wonderful children at that particular time, I was healthy, owned a home, had a good job, and most of the stuff that society expect you to have in order to meet the standards of an “okay” lifestyle.

However, deep inside I couldn't overcome the feeling that something was missing... But I couldn't figure out what it was. These feelings of emptiness and incompleteness were causing me to fall into a very dark and unhappy existence. 

This Coach has no idea of the impact he made in my life with the new ideas he planted in my mind. I will be forever grateful.

10+ years later, I am a totally new man. The emptiness, discouragement, self-doubts, and feelings of incompleteness are gone, and I have a fantastic vision of my life ahead. And if you are wondering how I did it, my answer to you is through constructive thinking.

Today, my life is filled with joy and a sense of purpose. I know who I am, and  I purposely think in harmony with my true nature, which has transformed all of my human experiences for the better. 
I am grateful and Passionate about helping, teaching, and Inspiring others to think Constructively and in alignment with their true nature.
Because of this passion and the transformation that I have experienced in my own life due to the principles I have learned and applied, I became a Spiritual mindset Coach, so I can help you to rethink and recreate a new and better reality for yourself.


Copyright Esquiwal Rosario